HAProxy Basic Authentication

HAProxy Basic Authentication

You can secure access to private or protected sites in HAProxy by enabling basic authentication, which prompts users for a username and password.

Steps for Setting Up Basic Authentication:

  1. Create User Details: In /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg, add the user list:

     userlist listofuser
       user udhay insecure-password udhayspassword
       user optionalAnotherUser insecure-password unsafepassword

    Replace with your own credentials. However, using plain-text passwords is insecure. To create hashed passwords, follow these steps:

  2. Hash the Password: Install the mkpasswd tool:

    1. Install the mkpasswd tool:

       sudo apt install whois
    2. Has the password

       mkpasswd -m sha-256 mypassword

      The above will command will prove the hashed password as output like below,

    3. Replace the plain password

      So you can replace the plain text password by hashed password. Then, the userlist will be

       userlist listofuser
         user udhay password $5$s6Subz0X7FSX2zON$r94OtF6gOfWlGmySwvn3pDFIAHbIpe6mWneueqtBOl/
         # Other users
  3. Add Basic Auth in HAProxy: Update your HAProxy configuration:

     # Other config goes here
     frontend example_frontend
       # Other config goes here....
       bind :443 ssl crt /etc/haproxy/ssl/udhay.dev.pem
       use_backend private_site if { hdr(host) -i udhay.dev }
       # Other backends will go here..
     backend private_site
       # Add your other configs
       http-request auth unless { http_auth(listofusers) }
       server web_server

By following these steps, you'll have basic authentication enabled to secure your site.